
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Lizard turtles alligator - family of dinosaur

Kamag-anak ng dinosaur na nabubuhay pa hanggang ngayon.

Lizard, turtles, alligator at explanation kung bakit kasama sya sa family ng dinosaur

Land form

"Lizard-Hipped" dinosaurs (Saurischians) had a hip structure similar to that of lizards. Oddly enough, these "Lizard-Hipped" dinosaurs were the ancestors of the birds.
Other anatomical features that characterize saurischians include an opening below the nostrils (called the subnarial foramen), an elongation on some neck vertebrae (resulting in long necks), a big thumb, an extra, wedge-shaped ankle bone (the astragalus), and many other distinctive features.
The oldest known dinosaurs are Saurischians from the mid-Triassic period, about 230 million years ago.
Saurischians included both meat and plant eaters.

Water Form

Paleontologists still haven't identified the exact family of prehistoric reptiles that spawned modern turtles and tortoises, but they do know one thing: it wasn't the placodonts. Lately, the bulk of the evidence points to an ancestral role for Eunotosaurus, a late Permian reptile whose wide, elongated ribs curved over its back (a striking adumbration of the hard shells of later turtles). Eunotosaurus itself seems to have been a pareiasaur, an obscure family of ancient reptiles the most notable member of which was the (completely unshelled) Scutosaurus.

The basic Crocodylia body form has been around for more than 180 million years, making alligators and crocodiles living dinosaurs. They share cold-blooded circulations that rely on the environment to heat and cool. Physical similarities, such as their rubbery skin and fierce teeth and claws are also apparent.

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