
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Namei as Rodent Killer


Namei is a root crops that contain a poisonous substance, this root crops is abundant in Occidental Mindoro, the texture and shape are the same as sweet potato with a yellowish color, the vines are full of thorn.

Namie Rat Killer is a quick acting, easy-to-use rodenticide used as additives in baits to control field rats, mice and other harmful rodents. It can be used in open dumps, as torpedo baits as well as in fields of rice, corn, sugar cane and other crops.


To create an economical and effective rodents pesticide in a rural area and also help protect the environment by creating a product that is natural and available for free or can be brought at a low price.



2 Namei Rot Crops


Piece of Plywood
Mortal and Pestle
Wooden Spoon

  1. Cut the Namei in small and very thin layer.
  2. After you slice it, you need to dry it, put in on the piece of plywood and place it under the direct ray of sun for one week / seven days. From morning until sunset.
  3. Since it contains toxic you need to put in a safe place and constantly monitor it to avoid any untoward incidents.
  4. After the seven days or one week of drying check if the pieces are brittle.
  5. Use mortal and pestle to pulverize the Namei until it becomes powder.
Results and discussion

How to use these products

Pre-baiting – Prepare crushed rice, corn, dried fish or any foodstuff relished by rats. Place ½ teaspoon of the bait on Banana Leaves where rats regularly frequent or near their burrows. Pre-baiting may be continued for 2 days to ensure acceptance of the bait.

Poisoned baits – use the same materials as used in the pre-baiting. Mix thoroughly 2 – 3 grams powder of Namei rat killer with every 100 grams of bait materials. Put the poisoned baits in places where rats have eaten the poison-free baits. Be sure to put the poisoned baits at night in place where it can not be reached by domestic animals. The poison baiting will be for one day only. Remove and bury all leftovers. If rat nuisance reoccurs, carry out similar baiting procedure after 2 weeks.

Advantage and Disadvantage


It can save you money and most of all its good for environment since the product are natural.


Since it is toxic you need to be very careful in handling and storing to avoid accidentally being swallowed, inhaled or absorb through the skin, it may cause harmful side effect or even death.


This product is harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.


Namei Rat Killer can causes death when inhaled or swallowed. Avoid handling with bare hands. Use rubber gloves or wooden spoon. In case of skin contact wash the affected area immediately.

Storage and Disposal:

Store in a sealed container and place it in dry, well-built, well-lit and ventilated rooms/premises with sufficient dimensions to avoid other contamination with other materials or products, especially food supply and keep under lock and key. Remove destroy and bury all empty containers, surplus material, left over baits and animals killed by Namei Rat Killer far away from human habitation so as to prevent environment/water pollution and protect scavenging birds and animals.


Using the Namei as a rat killer is proven effective and economical and environment friendly.


Need further study to improve the product.


Namei – is a kind of root crops that contain a poisonous substance. This kind of root crops is abundant in Occidental Mindoro. This root crops is like a potato, it’s color yellow.

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