
Monday, November 23, 2015

The Tale of the Woodcutter and the Tiger

The Tale of the Woodcutter and the Tiger
    Korean folklore recalls the tale of a woodcutter who encounters a tiger in the woods.  Fearing that he would soon be the tiger’s dinner, he exclaimed:   “You must be my long lost brother!  Our mother cried for you when you left home.  She had dinner ready for you every night, waiting for your return.  Sadly, out mother has just passed away.  How happy she would have been had she known you are alive and well!”  The woodcutter took out his handkerchief and pretended to wipe at his eyes.  The tiger turned away, as tears fell down his cheeks, leaving the woodcutter unharmed.
    Every year thereafter, on Chesa, the memorial day of the woodcutter’s mother’s death, an offering appeared on her grave -  sometimes a peasant, or even his mother’s favorite mountain berries.  The woodcutter did not know where these offerings came from.

    One year, the woodcutter noticed that the customary offering had not been placed on his mother’s grave, and he wondered what had happened. Out from the bush, three baby tigers appeared, carrying offerings.  They approached the woodcutter and cried: “You must be our uncle!  Mother tiger is gone now, and we know how important it is for her to honor grandmother by bringing an offering to her Chesa table beside her grave.  We are here to bring offerings for our grandmother in loving memory of our mother.” The woodcutter noticed that his face had turned suddenly warm and realized that it was his own tears streaming down his cheeks.

Person vs Nature: a kind of conflict led the wood cutter to fool the tiger.  The woodcutter will be bitten by the tiger so he fooled it.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Porno Materials, Good news, kick out, curfew, hot seat, land lady, look out

Pornographic Materials or Objects - Pornographic materials or objects are qualified as any publications, images, either in printed or digital form, movies, video- and sound recordings, tele- and radio programs, as well as other materials and objects presented on any data carrier, mainly focusing on obscene realistic illustration of anatomic pecularities of intimate body parts, either frankly or implicitly, making it sexually explicit and contradictory to common moral standards devoid of any artistic or scientific value.

Good news  - a good  Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by means of newspapers, websites, radio, television, and other forms of media.

kick out – 1. to thrust one's foot outward at something.  
2. Also, boot out. Throw out, dismiss, especially ignominiously. For example, George said they'd been kicked out of the country club, or The owner booted them out of the restaurant for being loud and disorderly. This idiom alludes to expelling someone with a kick in the pants. [Late 1600s]

curfew  - 1. an order establishing a specific time in the evening after which certain regulations apply, especially that no civilians or other specified group of unauthorized persons may be outdoors or that places of public assembly must be closed. 
2. a regulation requiring a person to be home at a certain prescribed time, as imposed by a parent on a child.

Land lady  - 1. A woman who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.
2. A woman who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper.  
3. (Professions) a woman who owns and leases property. 
4. a landlord's wife 
5. (Professions) a woman who owns or runs a lodging house, pub, etc

hot seat  - 1. Slang The electric chair.
2. Informal A position in which one is subjected to extreme stress or discomfort, as by excessive criticism.
3. a precarious, difficult, or dangerous position
4. US a slang term for electric chair
5. electric chair.
6. a highly uncomfortable or embarrassing situation.

: a person who watches an area and warns others if there is danger
: a high place or structure from which you can see a wide area

1:  one engaged in keeping watch :  watchman
2:  an elevated place or structure affording a wide view for observation
3:  a careful looking or watching
4:  view, outlook

5:  a matter of care or concern